Friday, June 19, 2009

really interesting question left in my question box:

Would you ever consider dating a guy that didn't know how to dress?

Really good question. Okay I haven't really experienced this yet, so hm. It'd be really interesting and different on my part, that's for sure. Would it be really shallow to admit that I wouldn't want to be with a guy that was completely clueless when it comes to style? Hahah. It does seem shallow now that I read it over, but still! I think that presentation is incredibly important. I mean, I'm all for days of comfort where you don't feel like dressing up, because I'm also like that some days. But it's nice to be beside a guy with style once in a while. He'll be a lot cuter to me. (:

Questions, comments, concerns? Leave it in the question box to the right --->

I'd love to hear other peoples' opinions. Especially CATH'S! *wink*


  1. If he's hot, the way he dresses does not matter. lol.
    Besides I can always change the way he dresses.

  2. i dont know about that. hmm. it's kinda weird cause dressing fashionably is expected from them. hmmmm...... i guess not. i dont think we would get along anyway considering some other facts.
